Dance and music gala event called “Recovering through Art” takes place with support of Heydar Aliyev Foundation 

  11 December 2019    Read: 1911
 Dance and music gala event called “Recovering through Art” takes place with support of Heydar Aliyev Foundation 

A dance and music event called “Recovering through Art” has been held at the Heydar Aliyev Centre with participation of artists with and without disabilities. The gala event was organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, UNICEF and the Italian Embassy in Azerbaijan. The event aimed at creating equal possibilities for people with and without disabilities, and delivering the significance of building an inclusive society.

Italy’s “Nazareno” Social Cooperative and “DanceAbility Azerbaijan” Inclusive Dance Company brought together artists with and without disabilities from the two countries. Artists chose art as a source of recovery, which allows them to express themselves.

At the gala event, “Nazareno” Social Cooperative presented a performance by the orchestra “Sciá Sciá”, “Wanderers” staged by choreographer of “EgoMuto” group Iren Stracciaty, “Sara and Manuel: Two bodies looking for a way to move away in a space” dance group by choreographer of “DanzaMobiles group, and a performance by singer and pianist Silvia Zaru.

“DanceAbility Azerbaijan” Inclusive Dance Company demonstrated the show “Step” staged by choreographer Nigar Ibrahimbayova and designed by artist Vusal Rahim, as well as the meditation “Contact” by director of the company Nigar Sultanova.

Director of “DanceAbility Azerbaijan” Inclusive Dance Company Nigar Sultanova and president of “Nazareno” Social Cooperative Sergio Vini said they believed that the event will be useful for joint activities of people with and without disabilities, underscoring that all people had equal rights in the society.

A joint dance item produced as a result of an exchange of experiences between artists from the two countries in the framework of the project was presented.

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